Gardening is a great pastime for many people in the UK. While the wet weather may limit our time in the garden, those that do get the reward of seeing all their hard work bloom into a beautiful garden teeming with plants, flowers, trees and more.
Of course, if there is one thing that we all dislike about gardening it is the weeding. Weeds are a highly invasive form of plant that quickly spread around every garden. They take up valuable soil space, fighting with plants for nutrients, sunlight, and growing space, making them a huge nuisance that a lot of work to remove.
Anyone that’s weeded before will know it can be a back-breaking task that takes hours to complete, and even then, it only works as a temporary solution as the weeds are going to keep growing back.
Plus, the bigger the garden the more weeds you’re likely to have. They aren’t selective either, growing in almost every outside area of a home, including lawns, flower beds, vegetable boxes, pots, planters, handing baskets, and in and around paths, driveways, and gravel.
There’s almost no area of a garden that isn’t invaded by weeds and they can certainly ruin the appearance of the space, not to mention potentially limiting the growth of our plants and flowers.
This is where weed killers come into play. Available for almost every type of weed, weed killers are usually liquid solutions that are applied directly to the weed to kill it. These contain any number of chemical ingredients that kill a part of the weed or the entire plant.
There are also weed killers that can be used before weeds have the chance to develop, working pre-emptively to ensure not weeds grows in an area you’re planning on using.
Weed killers are one of the most useful tools a gardener can have. They save hours of back aching weeding by killing the weeds with just a few sprays, being simple to apply to large areas around the garden where weeds normally thrive.
In a few weeks you can expect a weed-free garden and not have to waste time and effort pulling up weeds.
Table of Contents
Gallup Home & Garden Glyphosate Weedkiller
This glyphosate weed killer from Gallup is one of the most powerful solutions available for domestic use. In fact, it has the same volume of glyphosate as many professional grade weed killers, so you can be sure that this product is capable of killing off even the toughest weeds.
As a systemic weed killer, it is very effective at killing off both annuals and perennials, especially the latter which can be some of the toughest to deal with in a garden. This means it can easily kill off deep rooted weeds along with shallower weeds, so it’s suitable for most applications around the garden.
However, bear in mind that this is also a non-selective weed killer and incredibly potent. You don’t want to use this on a lawn unless you are looking to kill off all your grass along with the weeds, while care must be used when applying it on weeds that are near other plants.
Because its so strong you do want to use a spray bottle for your solution, as this offers more precision when applying onto weeds, helping to avoid accidently killing off your plants. A spray attachment isn’t included though so be sure to buy one – they don’t cost much and make applying weed killer much easier.
Also, as a concentrated weed killer you do need to make up a diluted solution to use. This is very easy though as you just add 30ml of the weed killer with every litre of water.
Remember, as a systemic weed It’s going to take a little while for results to take effect but rest assured that this weed killer will remove almost anything you don’t want to grow in your garden!
- Very powerful systemic weed killer
- Non-selective for killing various types of weed
- Safe for pets and kids once solution dries
- Doesn’t come with a spray bottle although these aren’t that expensive to buy
- POWERFUL WEEDKILLER: Concentrated glyphosate formula controls annual and...
- HOME & GARDEN USE: Contains the same active ingredient as professional products...
- COMPATIBLE SPRAYERS: Designed for use with knapsack sprayers, dilute 30ml per...
Scotts Miracle-Gro Roundup Fast Action Weedkiller
If you want quick results from a weed killer then look no further than Miracle-Gro Roundup Fast Action. A systemic and non-selective weed killer, it uses glyphosate as the main active ingredient, helping to kill both the foliage and root.
The visible part of the weed above the soil stats to wilt and die in just 1-2 days, after which the roots absorb the remainder of the solution and are prevented from growing further. This kills the entire weed in about 2-3 weeks, with the visible portion already dead by this point.
It’s a great way to quickly get rid of lots of unsightly weeds, so if you’re having a garden party or BBQ and want it to look nice in a short time then this weed killer is a great option. Just bear in mind that the entire weed doesn’t die off for a few weeks – after that it won’t be coming back!
A pump and go design provide quick and easy application around the garden, where you simply lift off the spray lance, pump the handle 20-30 times and then have ten minutes worth of continual spraying.
This means you can easily apply the weed killer throughout the garden, whether its pathways, driveways, patios, flower beds, vegetable patches, or near walls and fences. The spray produced isn’t the widest though, being more a precise shot of liquid, which is great for avoiding accidental contact with plants but may require more time applying in wide areas such as driveway.
- Fast acting with visible results in 1-2 days
- Systemic and non-selective so is suitable for all common UK weeds
- Includes a pump and spray function for easy application
- Sprayer may not be as effective for larger areas of coverage but good for precise application
- Fast action ready to use weed killer that kills the weeds and roots with visible...
- Kills most garden weeds with a single application; up to 10 minutes of...
- Children and pets need not be excluded from treated areas (once dry)
Weedol Pathclear Weedkiller Liquid Concentrate
As the name suggests, the Weedol Pathclear is weed killer designed for quick and easy application around pathways and driveways. Consisting of several tubes of concentrated glyphosate, the weed killer is simple to use – just add a tube to a litre of water and apply to the weeds.
Each tube provides enough weed killer to cover an area of roughly 20sqm, so a couple of tubes should be enough to eliminate weeds from most average UK gardens. The fact you just add the contents to water makes it simple to use, avoiding the hassle of measuring your own precise solution.
One drawback is that because most people use it in a watering can is that it won’t have the most accuracy, especially if applying to areas with lots of plants you don’t want to harm. If you want more accurate application then it’s a good idea to invest in a spray bottle!
That said, the weed killer is designed for simple use on paths and driveways, which is where the watering can is the best method of application, as it has a wide area of coverage and you can easily apply it to wider areas with lots of weeds and no plants.
As a systemic weed killer, it works to kill both the foliage and roots of the plant. This takes several weeks to fully kill off the weed, although you can see visible results in just a few days. Once the spray has been applied to the area of weeds, nothing grows for up to three months, making it function as both a pre and post-emergent weed killer.
- Tubes can be easily added to watering cans or spray bottles
- Systematic and non-selective so is suitable for most weeds
- Prevents future growth for up to three months
- It’s not the most accurate when used in a watering can so a spray bottle may be needed
- Unique dual action fomulation, kills weeds to the root and prevents new weeds...
- Ideal for paths, drives and patios
- No measuring or mess - just add water
Deadfast Concentrated Weed Killer
This weed killer from Deadfast consists of 12 concentrated sachets that can be either applied directly to a weed or diluted with water for a wider coverage. A single sachet mixed with water offers a good coverage too, with enough liquid weed killer to cover an area of up to 60sqm.
Using a single sachet on a weed is also possible, although you won’t get anywhere near the same level of coverage. Still, there are instances where you may require a potent weed killing solution to remove a particularly stubborn weed – think large growths of brambles or even on a tree stump to kill it off.
If you have a large area with lots of weeds, such as a patio or driveway, then these sachets really come into their own. Simply add the sachet to watering can or spray bottle and apply the weed killer accordingly.
The results may take some time to appear initially, with the weed killer taking around 1-2 weeks to fully work its way through the outer extremities and into the weed system. Bigger weeds may take even longer, so always be patient and give the weed killer time to work, as it may take up to 4 weeks for complete contorl to happen.
Also, be mindful that rainfall can reduce the effectiveness of the weed killer, so if it rains within six hours of application you may need to apply a second dose to kill the weeds.
- 12 sachets provide 720m² of coverage when using a sprayer
- Systemic and non-selective for handling different weeds
- Can be used directly on weeds or mixed with water
- Less coverage when using directly but its very effective for larger weeds
- Systemic concentrated weedkiller
- Action kills both above and below the ground
- sometimes it can take longer to take affect depending on the species of the...
Resolva Path and Patio Ready To Use Power Pump Weed Killer
This weed killer from Resolva comes in a convenient pump and spray container for quick and easy application throughout the garden. Simply lift the spray lance, pump the handle as directed and then enjoy around five minutes of continual spraying.
Not having to mix your own solution or use a watering can or spray bottle is very handy, while you can even refill the bottle once you run out, saving the cost of buying your own spray bottle or ruining a water can.
The spray applies nicely to wide areas like patios and driveways but is also precise too, meaning you can easily target weeds that are growing next to other plants. Just take extra care to ensure the solution doesn’t accidently touch your plants or flowers.
It’s a very fast acting weed killer too, taking around 24 hours for results to start showing. You can use it on all the common perennial and annual weeds invading your garden, although more time may be needed for it to kill off those larger and hardier weeds.
The entire solution offers enough coverage for up to 160sqm, so you’ll likely get plenty of use out of the weed killer before needing to refill it. Expect it to kill off all those pesky weeds such as nettles, bindweed, dandelion, and even grass (if required).
- Fast acting with visible results in a day
- Systemic and non-selective for killing various annual and perennial weeds
- Comes with a power pump and spray for easier application
- Some weeds take longer to die but this is common with most systemic weed killers
- This Resolva ready to use formulation provides you with visible results after 24...
- Kills both the visible weed and its root system of annual and deep-rooted...
- This formula is broken down naturally leaving no residue
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Buyers Guide
With so many weed killer products available, knowing which is best for your garden can be difficult. Each weed killer serves a purpose, with some being used to kill all kinds of weeds while others are more selective.
There are weed killers designed for paths and patios, lawns, flower beds, vegetable gardens, and for general use around the garden. Some are fast acting while others take more time, not to mention the varying ingredients uses that produce different results depending on the weed you’re trying to kill.
This means it’s easy to get confused with all the weed killer options available for UK gardens. To make the process easier, check the buying guide below for all the info you need to purchase the best weed killer for your garden:
Weed Killer Types
There are several types of weed killers with various ingredients that produce different results. So, it helps to know what type of products are available and their main uses, as you can choose something that meets your own requirements.
Pre-Emergent and Post Emergent
Broadly speaking there are two main types of weed killers, known as pre-emergent and post-emergent. As the names suggest, these are used either before or after the weed has emerged from the ground.
The most common weed killers in the UK are all post-emergent, so if you already have weeds to deal with then go for this option. Pre-emergent are good for preventing growth in the first place, so can be used as you’re sowing and planting early in the growing season.
A contact weed killer will kill the plant after contacting it. These are probably the most common types found in spray bottles, where you just apply it to the weed and wait for it to die. They tend to have quick results but they may not be long-lasting, mainly because the chemicals only attack the above soil portion of the plant.
In most instances, contact weed killer starts working in a just a few hours, with notable wilting occurring shortly after application. The weed will remain for a few weeks before dying off completely.
These weed killers are much more powerful than contact killers although they are applied in the exact same way, spraying the above soil part of the plant. The main difference is that the chemicals are then absorbed by the weed foliage and transported throughout the root system.
This kills the entire weed, including the roots, to ensure that no future growth is possible. Unlike contact killers, systemic weed killers take longer to kill the weed, often taking several weeks before results appear.
Systemic weed killers are useful for those hardier weeds that take more effort to remove by hand, such as dandelions, thistle, and brambles.
Selective and Non-Selective
All the above mentioned weed killers are categorised as either selective or non-selective. As the name suggests, selective weed killers work on certain types of weeds while non-selective killers kill off almost anything it comes into contact with – that includes plants, grass, flowers, fruits and vegetables!
Selective weed killers are suitable for things like lawns and flower beds where you don’t want to risk killing off anything but the weed. Non-selective weed killers are highly effective but also risky to use near other plants as they kill plants indiscriminatel, so should be used with more care and precision.
Tips for Choosing the Right Type of Weed Killer
Now that you know the types of weed killer available you will have a better idea of what you might need for your garden. Check out some of these tips to help you choose a suitable weed killer:
Weed Type
What type of weeds are you dealing with in the garden? If it’s tough perennial weeds such as dandelions, yarrow, or creeping buttercup then you may require a systemic weed killer, while annuals may be manageable with a contact killer
Also, note whether there are multiple types of weeds or a large volume of a single type. If it’s a lot different weeds then be sure to choose a non-selective killer!
Weed Location
Check to see where the weeds are located in your garden and choose a suitable weed killer. For instance, if it’s on your lawn then you will want a selective weed killer to ensure the grass doesn’t die.
Furthermore, there are weed killers designed for certain locations. For example, patio and driveway weed killers are useful for killing offer weeds appearing between cracks, gravel, and similar areas.
Also, be mindful of their location in relation to other plants you have. If you’re controlling a flower bed or vegetable patch then you will want to choose a selective weed killer that won’t damage your plants.
Remember, weed killers use a combination of chemicals that are often dangerous to touch, so always check to see how safe they are to use and whether there are certain instructions you need to follow.
Read our guide on pet friendly weed killer that are safe for dogs and children, meaning they won’t cause damage if anyone touches the area shortly after application. Be mindful that stronger weed killers may be more toxic, so always take the time to read the safety information before you buy.
Last update on 2025-02-15 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API