Best Lawn Feed Reviews UK

Best Lawn Feed For A Healthy Green Garden

Detailed independent research and analysis has been performed on all the products we review. If a purchase is made from a link on our page we may get a small commission but it will not affect our product suggestions.

Fertiliser is an essential component of any healthy lawn. Without the best lawn feed, most lawns do not receive adequate nutrients from the soil, causing weaker root development which subsequently leads to less foliage and vibrancy from grass.

Not only that, without an abundance of nutrients in the soil, grass is left competing with weeds and moss. These require fewer nutrients than grass, so will outgrow the grass in most instances, resulting in lawns thick with weeds and moss rather than lush grass.

To avoid these problems, you want to regularly feed your lawn with a good fertiliser! This encourages strong root developments, leading to a healthier, more vibrant lawn free from weeds and mossther b

Miracle-Gro EverGreen Premium Plus Autumn & Spring Lawn Food

Miracle-Gro EverGreen Premium Plus Autumn & Spring Lawn Food 8kg - 400m2
  • Granular fertiliser
  • Treats up to 400m2
  • Greens lawns in 7 days
  • Feeds for 3 months
  • Suitable for autumn and spring application

This food is designed to help lawns recover from a long harsh summer while preparing for rough winter ahead. Ideally applied in early to mid-autumn, the fertiliser should be one of the last feeds of the year, helping strengthen root systems that may have suffered from the hot and dry summer.

It has a special balance of ingredients, with a higher balance of nitrogen and potassium. The nitrogen helps encourage healthier foliage, with the lawn typically looking greener just seven days after application, while the potassium helps with most general functions of the grass.

These combine to help restore the colour of the lawn while preparing it to handle the upcoming winter and extreme conditions it brings. You can also use the feed in spring to help recover from a long winter, although be mindful that you should not reseed or return for at least six weeks after feeding.

Miracle-Gro EverGreen Premium Plus Autumn & Spring Lawn Food 8 kg – 400 m2, Green
  • September to November – apply to restore your lawn after harsh summer and…
  • March to May – apply after the distress winter imposes on your lawn, spring…
  • Fast greening in 7 days and no Scorch formula

Westland SafeLawn Lawn Feed

Westland SafeLawn Child and Pet Friendly Natural Lawn Feed 150 m2, Green, 5.25 kg
  • Organic granular fertiliser
  • Treats up to 1502
  • Includes grass seeds
  • Naturally prevents moss and weeds

This all-in-one solution is a great choice if your lawn is looking worse for wear with lots of patches and poor growth. By combining granular feed with lawn seed, you get everything you need in one product to encourage a healthy and vibrant lawn for the upcoming season.

An organic fertiliser, the inclusion of lawn seeds is convenient, letting you simultaneously feed the lawn while encouraging new growth in sparse areas. These seeds fall into the gaps in your lawn and quickly take root, developing new shoots within a few weeks during growing season.

It uses a gradual resale fertiliser, so while results are not instant, they do last for much longer, ensuring thick and colourful growth for much of the growing season. This also helps avoid scorching, while the seeds fill in any gaps to ensure the lawn is fuller.

Westland 20400353 SafeLawn Child and Pet Friendly Natural Lawn Feed 150 m2, Green, 5.25 kg
  • With SafeLawn children and pets need not be excluded from treated areas
  • The grass seed will germinate to fill gaps and help create a lusher, thicker…
  • Westland SafeLawn is an organic fertiliser with added lawn seed, made with only…

Miracle-Gro Fast Green Liquid Concentrate Lawn Food

Miracle-Gro Fast Green Liquid Concentrate, Lawn Food - 100 sq m Coverage, Fast-Acting, Results in 24 hours, (Child and Pet Friendly), Extreme Green
  • Liquid fertiliser
  • Shows results in 24 hours
  • Treats up to 1002

If you have a smaller garden with a lawn you want to feed regularly, then be sure to consider this fast acting liquid food. As a liquid based solution it provides results almost instantly, with lawns appearing greener in as little as 24 hours, although it will take a week or so for the full effects to be seen.

Being liquid based also makes it a lot easier to apply for most users. Simply fill the lid with the recommended and combine with water to create the liquid feed. You will need a watering can or a sprayer for this, each one offering quick and easy application.

One bottle offers enough food to treat up to 1002, so is best left for smaller lawns otherwise you may run out sooner than later. You can use it any time during growing seasons between March and September.

Miracle-Gro Evergreen Fast Green Liquid Concentrate Lawn Food – 100 m2
  • Greens lawns in 24 hours Children and pet friendly
  • Easy to apply using a watering can; Use measuring cap provided and shake well…
  • Perfect for smaller urban gardens, larger gardens with small lawns, front lawns…

EverGreen Complete 4-in-1 Lawn Care, Lawn Food, Weed and Moss Killer

EverGreen Complete 4-in-1 Lawn Care - 360m²
  • Granule feed
  • Treats up to 400m2
  • Weed and moss killer
  • Greener lawn in one week

This versatile product combines fertiliser with weed and moss killer, making it much easier to achieve a thick and healthy lawn. If your lawn is filled with weeds and moss, then this is well worth consideration, packing everything you need in one handy solution.

The main feed is a granule-based fertiliser that encourages faster growth and greener foliage, with results showing in as little as one week. At the same time, the formula helps to kill off pesky growth like moss and weeds, with moss blackening in a few weeks, after which you can easily rake it out.

Weed control does take longer, around three to five weeks, at which point the lawn should be showcasing much more vigorous growth to help fill in gaps and prevent any future weeds from growing.

Miracle-Gro EverGreen Complete 4-in-1 Lawn Care – 360m²
  • This extra strength EverGreen Complete 4-in-1 will help you produce a more…
  • Its unique 4-in-1 formula feeds and greens the grass kills weeds and moss plus…
  • It is quick and easy to apply. Just walk up and down the lawn to spread the…

Vitax 1L Green Up Liquid Lawn Feed and Weed

Vitax 1L Green Up Liquid Lawn Feed and Weed
  • Liquid feed
  • Treats up to 200m2
  • Kills weed

This liquid fertiliser provides ample nourishment for lawns of any condition, although it is best used on weed-heavy lawns thanks to its ability to simultaneously feed grass while killing off those pesky weeds.

It works to kill off the most stubborn weeds too. This includes deep-rooted species like dandelions and common lawn weeds like buttercup, daily, and clover. It quickly kills weeds too, taking a few weeks to eliminate most, although a second application around 6 weeks after the 1st treatment may be needed for stubborn weeds like buttercups.

While the weeds are being slowly killed the lawn itself receives lots of nutrients to encourage healthier, more vibrant growth. If weeds leave behind gaps you may want to reseed, with the feed encouraging newer seed development as well.

Vitax Feed & Weed Lawncare,1litre
  • For green and healthy lawns
  • Rapidly greens-up the lawn
  • Kills common lawn weeds and encourages growth to cover bare areas left by dead…

Aftercut Lawn Thickener Feed and Seed

Aftercut Lawn Thickener Feed and Seed, 150 m2, 5.25 kg
  • Granule feed
  • Also includes grass seeds
  • Child and pet safe
  • Treats area up to 1502

If you are looking for a low-maintenance feed and seed treatment for your lawn then be sure to consider this product from Aftercut. Suitable for use throughout the year, it includes both a fertiliser and lawn seeds, encouraging healthier lawn development while replacing any existing patches.

While it can be used during any season it does work best during spring and summer. This is when grass is actively growing so requires the most fertiliser, so by using the product every 4-5 weeks over these seasons you are going to end up with a lawn that looks fuller and greener.

It also child and pet safe, meaning you don’t need to make the lawn off-limits while the seed and feed do their thing. One packet provides enough to treat an area up of up to 150m2, so it should last for most of the growing season unless your lawn is especially large.

Aftercut 20400322 Lawn Thickener Feed and Seed, 150 m2, 5.25 kg, Green
  • This product is a duel action product designed to fill in gaps and improve the…
  • Safe to use in areas visited by children and pets
  • This pack can be used to refill an Aftercut Thickener Even-Flo Spreader

Lawn Feed Buying Guide

If you want to enjoy a beautiful lawn in your garden it is important to provide it with the best lawn feed possible. However, with so many products to choose from finding the right one for your garden can be challenging, which is where our buying guide can help.  

Granule v Liquid Feed

There are two main types of fertiliser available – granular and liquid feed.

Granular feeds consist of small pellets or granules that are applied directly onto the lawn. They typically come in a built-in applicator on the box or bottle, allowing you to simply shake the contents onto the lawn.

They should only be applied when rain is expected, otherwise you will need to water the granules. Application is quite easy but you need to be careful not to overapply, otherwise lawn burning may occur due to a high concentration of fertiliser.

Liquid feeds are soluble so usually get diluted with water prior to application. One big advantage of this type of feed is how quick it is, being absorbed into the soil and root system almost immediately, so results how faster than granules.

This is a great choice for first-time users as the application is simple and requires little to no preparation.


Always consider the composition before buying, as you want to ensure there is a suitable balance of ingredients for your lawn. The three main ingredients are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and all feeds should have these in high concentrations.

Beyond this, look for nutrients in smaller volumes that may be beneficial for lawn health. For example, calcium encourages healthier growth of younger root systems, so if you are planting a new lawn from seed then look for a product with this ingredient.

Similarly, magnesium is great for newly growing lawns as well as established lawns, so it is a useful ingredient to have in your feed.

Finally, consider whether you need any ingredients to treat lawn issues. For example, if your lawn has a lot of moss consider choosing a product with iron phosphate, an ingredient that helps kill off moss by extracting the moisture.

Lawn Condition

Check the condition of your lawn to determine whether there are specific requirements you need from the feed. For example, if the lawn is newly established with seedlings then make sure to choose a product designed for developing lawns.

If you have weeds and/or moss, then make sure to consider a product designed to kill these off while feeding grass at the same time. This is quite convenient as it saves the hassle of manually weeding and raking out moss.

Soil Condition

Like your lawn condition, the soil condition can impact what products are suitable for your lawn. You may want to get a soil testing kit to determine soil composition, which may be lacking in certain ingredients, be too acid, or not have enough moisture.

With a good pH kit you can determine the unique composition of the soil including whether it needs. For example, if the soil is too acidic or alkaline, then a feed with nitrogen can help restore the balance.

Last update on 2025-02-15 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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